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A simple way to add this feature would be to support an email-to-buymeapie interface. Each user would be assigned a unique email address - e.g. qwertyuiop@inbox.buymeapie.com - and any emails received by this address would cause the subject line to be added to the primary list, or a list called "Inbox", or whatever. For extra brownie points the body could indicate which list to use, quantities etc.

I'd then add a contact to my phone's contact list called "buy me a pie" and with this email address.

Then I could:
"Ok Google, send an email to buy me a pie with subject half a cow".

Google Assistant, or presumably, Siri, would then dutifully send an email, and "half a cow" would duly appear on my list.
FWIW, this is the process I follow to send tasks to my Nirvana GTD account - works like a charm.

Hope somebody is still reading this forum!

Great service, but adding this single feature would fix my single biggest gripe.

Go well,


Kundesupport af UserEcho