Remove all crossed of items in one swype!
Patrick Domenig 11 years ago
updated by Buy Me a Pie! (Head of Customer Care Service) 11 years ago •
After crossing off my items in a store I like to clean up when I am finished, meaning for me to remove all crossed of items. So far this is not possibl, I have to remove every article one by one. I'd love to see an option to clear these crossed off items mor quickly.
Customer support service by UserEcho
There is already the possibility to clear out the all the purchased products - in Android please tab the list name and select the last point of the dropdown menu that says "Clear purchased".
To clear the purchased products off your shopping list on iOS-based device, scroll to the very bottom of your list until you see "Pull to clear" words. Pull the list from bottom to top until "Release to clear" text is displayed. Release the list.