Under review

colors, new button

Lieselot Kinable 11 years ago updated by polyanchev 9 years ago 10

More colors for the products and a 'delete all' button. I know I can delete unwanted items by swiping them but sometimes I want to clear everything, like when I changed from Dutch to English on my iPhone , everything changed to english....  maybe when you thick them of you can select 'delete' as well

More colors would be nice, especially it you could associate some text.
The text labels should be optional and user customizable... I love this idea!
I would like a selection of colour backgrounds and textures for the individual lists, to also be reflected in each when in the view all lists window.
New categories and colours would be great and if text could be associated with colours that would be even better, so you do not have to remember that blue is dairy. Thanks for a great app. ;-)
More colours would be great, but I hate the idea of adding sub-headings to my lists! Right now I like it clean and simple as it is. I just love colour.
Hi. I completely support the idea of more colors. At the time being - there is 8 colors/categories. We need at least 12 colors. Don't need any sub-headings/colors
But we also need to be able to choose in which order the colors (categories) appear in the app. 
If we can name the colors/categories - thats will be perfect.
But still - keep et simpel.

I really like to have more colours AND I like to change my groceries history as well.
I would like to count with lets say 16 colors, instead of 8. Will be great.

Сейчас количество цветов достаточная, но нет возможности изменять расположение цветов в библиотеке! Это было бы очень удобно!