
Please support editing items directly in the master list (product dictionary)

rowen 11 years ago updated by Broco 10 years ago 2

At present it is too hard to edit the master list (product dictionary). One can only delete items or change their color. My main desire is that this be made much easier.

A closely related problem is that when I add a new item (not already in the product dictionary) I often find I make a mistake and want to change it (maybe I misspelled something, or left out an important word). That is the main reason I ever want to edit the master list.

Here are some thoughts on how these things could be improved.

- Link items between shopping lists and the master list: if one edits an item in a shopping list (changing the text) it also affects the corresponding item in the master list.

- In the master list, hold on an item to change its text. Existing copies in shopping lists would automatically be updated.

- In the master, add a triangle at the right or swipe right-to-left to bring up an edit pane. One could change the text or color in that pane.

Note my related suggestion to add a search field to the master list. I feel these are closely linked. If you implement the first suggestion then you could probably skip all the other suggestions.

A master list to be edited in full is an option I do miss since starting to use "buy me a pie". There are four participants in our household that synchronize our pie list. They all mess with the product names almost daily. Me having to re-edit the database accordingly. Doing so is a pain without an editable master list.
Preferably a master list that can be imported and exported so as to edit the list in a software with spell correction. 

However, thanks guys for a great product and your favorable consideration of the above!
I’ve have the purchased version of “Buy Me A Pie” on Android 4.2 through my current 4.4.. Are you aware that we can’t edit the text in the A-Z list? We can only change the color category there (bummer).

Only way to change an existing A-Z item is to enable (ie. check) it, then it appears in the shopping list. Only in the shopping list can we edit the text. And there’s a problem here too. When we edit the text, it then appears in the A-Z list as a completely new item. So the we have to go into the A-Z list and delete the old pre-edit item there. A lot of unnecessary clicking around there imho.

Thanks for considering this needed enhancement.