Add items via Google Now / Assistant
Recently I have been using Google Keep for my shopping list because it is very easy just to say to my phone "ok Google add cheese to my shopping list" and it does that! This should be something that Buy Me a Pie could do... Surely the API is available from Google?
Customer support service by UserEcho
I have been using “pie” for years. I use the list for many things. I have refined it to a powerful personal list system. Then along came google home. Giving an item to add to Google home is so simple I put a mini in my kitchen. “Hay Google add bread to the shopping list”. Done!
However, when I get to the store it’s just not as functional as “Pie” Please integrate the two and others to give me “Pie” in my kitchen!
A simple way to add this feature would be to support an email-to-buymeapie interface. Each user would be assigned a unique email address - e.g. qwertyuiop@inbox.buymeapie.com - and any emails received by this address would cause the subject line to be added to the primary list, or a list called "Inbox", or whatever. For extra brownie points the body could indicate which list to use, quantities etc.
I'd then add a contact to my phone's contact list called "buy me a pie" and with this email address.
Then I could:
"Ok Google, send an email to buy me a pie with subject half a cow".
Google Assistant, or presumably, Siri, would then dutifully send an email, and "half a cow" would duly appear on my list.
FWIW, this is the process I follow to send tasks to my Nirvana GTD account - works like a charm.
Hope somebody is still reading this forum!
Great service, but adding this single feature would fix my single biggest gripe.
Go well,