Miss some feature or have an idea how to improve "Buy Me a Pie!" functionality? Your suggestions are welcome!

Please post one idea per post.


Quantity number placement

Ryan McKnab 9 jaar geleden 0

I wish quantity numbers would be next to the name of the product and not on the right side of the screen. I forget to look over there. When we enter "hot dogs : 3" they are next to each other. Please keep it that way for speed reading purposes


Labe Size

Jbs 10 jaar geleden 0
Please make label size larger to extend further onto the screen on the left as it is nearly impossible to see them especially if your phone is in a protective case.

Remove all crossed of items in one swype!

Patrick Domenig 11 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Buy Me a Pie! (Head of Customer Care Service) 11 jaar geleden 4

After crossing off my items in a store I like to clean up when I am finished, meaning for me to remove all crossed of items. So far this is not possibl, I have to remove every article one by one. I'd love to see an option to clear these crossed off items mor quickly.


Prices field, so we can compare every time we buy the same product

Pablo Rondero 11 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Buy Me a Pie! (Head of Customer Care Service) 10 jaar geleden 2

Lists down automatically when it is instructive. Listen automatisch nach unten wenn sie lehr ist.

Mario Heckert 11 jaar geleden 0
If in the preview list a list is exhausted (list is empty). If the list move down as within the list. May also like to get a different color for a better overview.

Wenn bei der Listenvorschau eine Liste abgearbeitet ist (Liste ist leer). Sollte die Liste nach unten wandern wie innerhalb der Liste. Kann auch gerne eine andere Farbe bekommen für eine bessere Übersicht.

Login with email and password

Manfredi Giordano 9 jaar geleden 0
Maybe you should let users login with email and password, other than username and PIN.

Add Pebble Watch watchapp

Sergey Matveev 11 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Buy Me a Pie! (Head of Customer Care Service) 8 jaar geleden 2
В английском не силен - желающие сами переведут.
Нужна поддержка Pebble Watch в виде watchapp со списком покупок из приложения на смартфоне, либо с синхронизацией со списком с сайта (это возможно через httpebble). Благодарные владельцы этих девайсов в количестве 50-100 тысяч, будут очень признательны. ;)

Recipe list function from drop down menu

Jason 10 jaar geleden 0
Having a recipes tab selected from the drop down menu would be very useful. The recipe lists would function the same exact way as the shopping lists with the add item/cross off action. However, having 15+ recipes with static ingredients in a separate area from your ever-changing shopping lists works well on another grocery app seen here:

Image 2

Grouping shopping lists

thomasfrommelt 11 jaar geleden 0
I have a shopping list for each ice cream receipt. And i have a shopping List for other stuff. I would like to group my ice cream receipt shopping lists. So if i go shopping i can decide spontaneously to make some ice cream or other stuff.
I mean i would like a category for shopping lists. Example: ice cream or soup and in this category there are my shopping lists.