Miss some feature or have an idea how to improve "Buy Me a Pie!" functionality? Your suggestions are welcome!

Please post one idea per post.


Font enlargement

Vicki Templeton 10 лет назад обновлен Buy Me a Pie! (Head of Customer Care Service) 10 лет назад 2
Enlarge font does not stay. It only lasts a short while, not even from day to day. Annoying.

Добавьте количество цветов. Например, в Ашане много больше 7 отделов.

igalil 11 лет назад обновлен Buy Me a Pie! (Head of Customer Care Service) 11 лет назад 2

Keep the x last deleted lists.

Fraxxion 10 лет назад 0
I would like to see the app keeps somehow a backup of the last 2,3 or X removed lists.
Rarely enough it happend that sometimes a list was removed while we could use it again later on.
Then restoring it would solve the problem.

List printing: When printing a list from my iMac, words or symbols fail to print. For example 2kg does not print, but 2 does.

christopher49 11 лет назад обновлен Buy Me a Pie! (Head of Customer Care Service) 11 лет назад 4

Пока что оценка 4

10 лет назад обновлен Buy Me a Pie! (Head of Customer Care Service) 10 лет назад 2
Нехватает самого главного это ввод цены для каждого товара и итог. Надеюсь что вы исправитесь!


Delete or edit grocerie history list

Linda Vaneker-Pannekoek 10 лет назад обновлен Buy Me a Pie! (Head of Customer Care Service) 10 лет назад 2
The history list of my grocerie list is sooo big and old, i really need to update this one.


Reminders Share Extension

Reony Tonneyck 9 лет назад 0

Would be really awesome if the Share extension also included Reminders app, not just Message, email, etc.

Image 3


Einkaufsliste sortieren

Rolf-Marcus Rolfes 11 лет назад обновлен Buy Me a Pie! (Head of Customer Care Service) 11 лет назад 1
Es ist von Vortreil wenn ich die Einkaufsliste sortieren kann damit ich im Supermarkt nicht immer hin und her rennen muss

"Bought all on list"-button

hjun 9 лет назад 0

I want a "bought all on list"-button so I can check all my bought items when I'm done shopping, instead of check every item when you put it in your basket.


привязка к координатам

KPbIC 10 лет назад 0
сделать  возможность привязки списков к координатам с оповещением при приближении к ним.

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